Senior Mathematical Challenge (SMC)

The UK's most popular school Mathematical Challenges

Over 700,000 participants all over the world annually

Suitable for students in grade 12 and below

Up to 50%-66% award ratio

Date: Oct. 3, 2024 (90mins)


UKMT encourages mathematical reasoning, precision of thought, and influency in using basic mathematical techniques to solve interesting problems. Among many mathematical challenges organized by UKMT, their biggest competitions are the Junior, Intermediate and Senior Mathematical Challenge(JMC/IMC/SMC), which have over 700,000 entries from 6,000 schools each year, and are the UK's most popular school Mathematical Challenges.

The Senior Mathematical Challenge (SMC) is for students in grade 12 and below. It focuses on the development of students' ability to fully mobilize logical thinking and use mathematical skills to solve problems accurately and fluently, with challenging and flexible questions that usually cover key high school mathematics knowledge such as geometry, number theory, permutation and combination, and a few algebraic and problem solving, as well as some other more challenging questions (not involving advanced mathematics), which greatly expands the mathematical horizons of the students. SMC is the assessment challenge before BMO.

Promotion & Planning



Competition Rules




Oct. 3, 2024 (90mins)


A2/Grade 12 or below




Individual test, 25 multiple choice questions

Scoring System

Starting score 25 points, 4 points for correct answers, 1 point deducted for wrong answers


Top-scoring 66% of participants will be awarded Gold, Silver and Bronze in the ratio 1:2:3. International Participants will be judged based on the UK cut-off scores.

    • Gold: the cut-off score in 2024 is 83+
    • Silver: the cut-off score in 2024 is 66+
    • Bronze: the cut-off score in 2024 is 49+
    • Participation: for all participants

Registration Details


Includes the exam, grading, proctor fee, past-papers, certificates.(ASEEDER doesn't provide any trainings)


2 weeks before the competition



If, for some reason, the student is unable to attend after paying the fee, please contact us. If you apply before the registration deadline, 25% of the registration fee will be deducted as academic materials and service fees. If you apply after the registration deadline, no refund will be given.

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